The SE4ALL project is hosting a Science Cafe event at El Cau Restaurant on Carrer de la Vila, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain on November 18th from 18:00 – 20:00. The talk will allow professionals and researchers to share their knowledge on chemistry and biofortification with students. Interaction with the public through gamification activities will be done during Science cafe. Free drink will be offered by Se4ALL team.
Title: Urban food systems for plant-based products for local sustainability: would you grow your own greens at home?
Address: : El Cau (Carrer de la Vila, Vila Universitaria, Campus Bellaterra)
Se4ALL Science Cafe speaker: Roberto Boada is a curious scientist who works on applying synchrotron radiation techniques for characterizing materials. He works at the Chemistry Department of the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona and he is applying these techniques to solve problems on water remediation technologies and biofortification of crops.
Time and date: 18:00 (Friday 18 November 2022)