Science is Wonderful!

The European Commission funds excellent young researchers across the EU and abroad through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, allowing them to study a topic in depth that they care about.

Science is Wonderful! bridges this research with schools across the European Union. It celebrates the value and impact of EU-funded research by giving primary and secondary school students a chance to interact with leading researchers and innovators, learn more about their work in engaging formats and ask questions about scientific careers. Since its inception in 2015, Science is Wonderful! has organised an annual science fair that interactively showcases research projects and innovations through presentations, hands-on experiments, games and quizzes.

The next edition will take place in Brussels in March 2023 and will feature 100 researchers from across Europe. Whether you have a school class, a child or are simply young at heart, join us for this celebration of science. Interested? Then sign up to our newsletter to stay informed and be one of the first to know more about the event.

Next to the science fair, Science is Wonderful! also hosts activities for the classroom. These teaching resources, games and videos were prepared by our scientists to use with your pupils or children throughout the year.

The European Commission gives teachers and scientists a rare opportunity to team up in their subject area and co-create learning material. Together you can develop a proposal for an experiment, quiz, game, a combination or any other activity guaranteed to have a real-life application.

The top three proposals will be professionally produced by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, translated into several EU languages, and prominently featured on the Commission’s Science is Wonderful! website. Additionally, the classes of the three selected contributions will be invited to the Science is Wonderful! the exhibition in Brussels in March 2023, giving them the unique opportunity to engage with 100 researchers from across the EU. But there might be a small surprise in store for other contributions, too.

 Registration for both teachers and researchers will be open  from 7 November until 1 December 2022. All proposals will need to be submitted by 9 January 2023.

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