Citizen Participation in Climate Transition

On the 29th of April 2022, European citizens will present their recommendations for the Climate Transition. This represents an exciting opportunity for citizens to share their thoughts about the European Green Deal and the transition to a more efficient, circular economy.

Frans Timmermans, the Executive Vice President overseeing the EGD, will engage with citizens to discuss what the transition will look like and hear citizens’ concerns about the upcoming changes to their economy. Director-General of DG Research & Innovation Jean-Eric Paquet and Deputy Director of DG Clima Clara de la Torre will participate as well.

This event is a unique opportunity for citizens and policymakers to openly communicate. This type of communication goes a long way in ensuring that policymakers remain in touch with the people they’re serving. The transition to a more sustainable economy will undoubtedly be difficult for some, and events such as these signify an effort to ease those difficulties as much as possible.

link to full article:

Shaping the Climate Transition: Citizens take the floor | European Commission (

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