Science Cafe @ UAB
The SE4ALL project is hosting a Science Cafe event at El Cau Restaurant on Carrer de la Vila, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain on November 18th from 18:00 – 20:00. The talk will allow professionals and researchers to share their knowledge on chemistry and biofortification with students. Interaction with the public through gamification activities […]
1st International Workshop: “Food Innovation Through Adding Value to Crops”
In the spirit of dissemination of advances in the field of functional food and Selenium benefits, the Se4All project is hosting a workshop for professionals on Friday, the 17th of November from 08:30 to 17:00. The event will take place at: Faculty of Science (UAB) & Hotel Exe Campus (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Campus UAB) Edifici […]
The call for proposals for activities of the Research Night 2022 is Open
Scientists from all over Catalonia can now send their activity proposals for the new edition of the European Research Night in Catalonia, which this year will be held around 30 September. The European Night of Research is a public event dedicated to the popularization of science that takes place every year in more than 300 […]
Indian Government Approves Distribution of Biofortified Rice
The Indian government has taken a step toward sustainability by approving the distribution of biofortified rice to the general population. The rice is infused with iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12. This will improve the health of millions of people who are undernourished. According to India’s own food banking network, the country has 189.2 million […]
25th Anniversary of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Conference
The MSCA Conference will celebrate its 25th anniversary on the 23rd and 24th of May, 2022. The conference draws attention to the program through presentations and debates on issues such as doctoral education, the international movement of researchers, their career development, etc. The conference is an opportunity to discuss the MSCA program’s future, and how […]
Company Self-Help is Promoting Biofortified Rice in Nicaragua
Self-Help is improving the nutritive content of rice in rural areas of Nicaragua by fortifying rice with added iron and zinc. Zinc boosts immunity, brain function, and energy. Iron is an essential mineral that gives the human body the material it needs to form new blood cells, one of the body’s most important processes in […]
Citizen Participation in Climate Transition
On the 29th of April 2022, European citizens will present their recommendations for the Climate Transition. This represents an exciting opportunity for citizens to share their thoughts about the European Green Deal and the transition to a more efficient, circular economy. Frans Timmermans, the Executive Vice President overseeing the EGD, will engage with citizens to […]
How Micronutrients Like Selenium Can Help Dry Cow Transition Periods
In a recent article by “The Scottish Farmer” a technical director at B2B Nutrition named James Brinicombe sheds light on the immense stress dairy cows endure during the calving period, and outlines the importance of “good micronutrition” to reduce the risk of illness, which in turn could save cows a great deal of pain and […]