How Micronutrients Like Selenium Can Help Dry Cow Transition Periods

In a recent article by “The Scottish Farmer” a technical director at B2B Nutrition named James Brinicombe sheds light on the immense stress dairy cows endure during the calving period, and outlines the importance of “good micronutrition” to reduce the risk of illness, which in turn could save cows a great deal of pain and illness, and farmers a great deal of money, time, and stress.

The article later outlines the importance of specific micronutrients that potentially have the most noticeable effect on dairy cows health, in addition to other micronutrients, a direct quote from James Brinicombe says “selenium in particular can help to keep cows free from infection and reduce the risk of retained placentas.”

The final takeaway from this article shows us that a increase in focus on micronutrients and overall dairy cow health and well being, may very well be more beneficial to all parties, dairy cows undergoing less pain and discomfort from disease, while farmers spend less money on potential veterinary care and loss of profits do to decreases in milk yield or future fertility.

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